
Hello and welcome to this blog post. Today I will be answering questions about personhood.

  1. What is a human? How do we define that?
    Humans are a species that have the human DNA just like other humans.
  2. What is a person? Is this different from being a human, and if so, why?
    The title of a person is granted by society itself. Humans are biological, and people are moral.
  3. What are your thoughts on Sandra the Orangutan receiving personhood?
    The link to the article did not work. But I think orangutans in general are not people. I think it should be for humans only.
  4. Do you think the idea of personhood will become complicated in the future, with the rise of artificial intelligence? Explain your response.
    I think that AI should not be considered people. I think there should be a different term. The term people is used in today’s world not in the future yet. So I think they should just invent a new word with almost the same meaning but give it to AI.

Thank you for reading this, have a good day!

Fake News

Today in Wananga, we identify what type of fake news there is.

There are many ways to spot fake news. Here are some short and easy ways to check.

  1. Checking the source of the website is a good idea and its contact information.
  2. The URL could leave big clues, make sure the URL sounds trusted and reasonable.
  3. Think about your bias. At the end of the day, your bias could determine how you see “what fake news” is. Make sure to leave an open mind on everything.
  4. Do background checks on the author to check if they are credible and trusted.
  5. The date could be a big clue to spotting fake news. Although news posted late could be a recap of old news.
  6. Checking the information for clickbaity sentences that try and draw you into believing the source could be another way. Make sure to check the credibility by checking out other trusted websites.
  7. The text and overall grammar could also determine if it is real or fake. After all big news agencies that are trusted would have multiple people proofreading the work before it is sent out into the real world.
  8. Some of the supporting sources could be fake and designed to make you think the website is real. When you go onto a link with multiple pop-up ads, it is most likely fake because they are trying to generate ad revenue.

There are different types of news that are posted for different purposes, these can come in many forms such as…


Satire and parody are sources that are jokes and intend to not cause any problems. They could be mocking celebrities or creating news that is entertaining to read but not truthful. Although some people will believe them as the truth and take it to heart. Some of these can be found on Instagram and shared across your friend’s stories. Your friend sharing it could also influence you to believe it. You cannot determine if they are sharing it as a joke or not. Although the source will often tell you it is a joke and to not take it seriously, someone might not read that bit of the caption.

False Connection

These could be articles with false titles to draw attention to the report. This can be known as clickbait. These could be mistakes or intentional. These types of articles could be exaggerating simple news articles. Some examples of these are YouTube videos. Many YouTube videos get you to click on them just for the creator to waste 8 minutes of your time to generate ad revenue. A lot of these videos have YouTubers exaggerating things and click-baiting things. A lot of these videos are targeted at children because they are easier to fool. I myself have believed so many things these creators have said. Sometimes these creators show evidence that sounds trustworthy but it really isn’t.

Misleading Content

Misleading content in my words is similar to a false connection. Examples of these could be political influence. Politicians will feed you information and influence you to believe these ideas. Maybe we are all brainwashed by the world, or maybe I am brainwashing you with this false information I am giving? You have to make sure your sources are true. This could include altering images and media or cherry-picking data to look credible. They want to tell you things that sound good to you.

False Context

This type of content could give you slightly false information about certain things such as dates for events or quotes from people. These types of articles could use quotes as evidence of their article but alter the quote for something that wasn’t said. This type of content could change any type of information. They could alter timelines for certain events and cause chaos.

Imposter Content

This type of content is fraudulent and used to generate money and create propaganda. Some examples are fake websites set to look like credible news agencies. They could create fake social media accounts and documents. They could also send scams through emails. The purpose of these websites is to generate revenue.

Manipulated Content

Content that is photoshopped or edited is manipulated content. They start a lot of chaos. All it takes is a photo of you or a voice clip of you to be sent online and then manipulated to deceive other people. How many times have you seen AI-generated songs from famous artists emerge on your YouTube recommended?

Fabricated Content

Fabricated content uses every strategy mentioned above. This is used to cause real harm and deceive people. As we get more into the world of technology, governments have been using deep fakes to impersonate world leaders as a war strategy. Spotting fake photoshopped images was somewhat easy, but spotting AI-generated videos and audio is a much harder and more serious task to crack. In the future this could be a serious world problem, scammers would be able to take audio clips of your voice and manipulate it into making you say whatever they want.

The world is heading somewhere dangerous and you don’t know who to trust on the internet. I wouldn’t trust my writing at all as some of the information I could be giving could also be false. I could also be manipulating you into believing that fake news is fake when it could be real?

School Holidays

Today in English we are answering questions about what we did in the holidays.

  1. One moment from the holidays that you are grateful for (describe, who with & what you did). I am grateful for the time I got to go outside and exercise. I went for my daily run around the park as well as getting time to play some football and basketball with my brother.
  2. 3 things/activities you did to get you out of the house ¬ did you enjoy them? I went shopping with my parents, I went for runs and I hung out with friends. I enjoyed them, especially going for a run.
  3. What did you do for yourself that made you happy? Well, Being. I started adding new exercises to my daily routine and started doing them in the morning. What’s good is that I have time to do it on school days as long as I get out of bed at the right time. I went for runs straight after I brushed my teeth (the running will be on a non-school day).
  4. What are you looking forward to this term? I’m excited to try balancing school more efficiently. I now have an idea of how much work certain subjects give so I won’t be behind doing late-night sessions again, I hope.

I hope you enjoyed this quick blog post about my holidays.

Measuring Your Power

Tonight in Science I was catching up on work I missed out on a week ago. I got to page 71 on the Sci-Pad which was about measuring your power. The equation for work is W = Fd (work = force times distance). Units for work are joules (J), units for force are newtons (N), and units for distance are metres (m). The equation for power is P = W/t (power = work divided by time). The units for power are Watts (W), the units for work are joules (J), and the units for time are seconds (s).

We had to climb stairs to see how much power we generate. I don’t have stairs at home so the first thing I thought to do was use a chair. But I realised I need to climb more steps otherwise I’ll time myself with less than a second stepping on a chair. My mum told me to use the ladder from outside, so here I was with a ladder outside on a wet day at 11pm in the night, this is probably the start of me going crazy!

I didn’t want to go too high on the ladder, so I decided to measure four steps because I was comfortable with climbing four steps fast. I measured 1450cm which is 1.45m. Dividing it by four steps will give you 36.25cm per step on average. Each step was a different size. I’m not sure if measuring yourself on a scale is mass or weight so I just decided it was my mass because mass is kilograms (kg). I measured myself and I found out I lost 3kg this month which is disappointing but anyway back to what I was saying. I was 51.5kg. For the SciPad we multiply mass by 10 to find weight which is measured in Newtons (N). We normally round up the Earth’s gravity from 9.8ms-2 to 10ms-2. My weight was 515N.

On my first attempt at climbing the ladder, I was taking my time and climbed the four steps in 3.97s. My second attempt was 3.10s while my third was 3.06s. I added up all my seconds and divided them by three to find my average time which was 3.37s.

For the calculations I had to do I had to find work. You get work from multiplying force and distance together. Force and weight are pretty much the same things from my understanding so far. I multiplied 515N*1.45m to find my work was 746.75J. I then took the answer into my next equation to find power. The formula for power is P = W/t. So I have to divide work by time to find power. I divided 746.75J/3.37s to find I have a power of 221.58W. W means Watts which is the unit of energy.

It was actually pretty fun doing this and I enjoyed doing it because it made me feel smart from just climbing a ladder. I’m usually the person that doesn’t do much in the practical bit of Science, but this was really fun. I hope you enjoyed this blog post as much as I did!

A Game Of Cards Reflection Questions – Week 4

A few weeks in English we were answering questions about the text we read called A Game Of Cards By Witi Ihimaera. I didn’t get the chance to finish answering them and blogging them so here is what I answered for the questions.

What am I learning? I am learning how to analyse what I read in the text.

How does this work show my learning? This shows how much I can recall from the text. I did have to read it over twice.

What do I have to do to improve my learning in this area? I have to be able to understand and process information the first time I read things rather than having to go through it over again.

  1. Who is the Narrator? Nanny Miro’s grandson.
  2. Who is the main character in the story? Why do you say so? Nanny Miro because the whole story revolves around her. They only really talked about her influence on everyone.
  3. Where does the story take place? Give a quote to support your answers. Somewhere in New Zealand because of the Te Reo words being mentioned in the story such as “Everybody used to say I was her favourite mokopuna”. It is also taken place in Miro’s big house according to this quote “She lived down the road from us, right next to the meeting house in the big homestead which everybody in the village called ‘The Museum’ because it housed the prized possessions of the whanau”.
  4. What is the activity that the women like the most and why? Give a quote to support your answer. “Nanny loved all the card games – five hundred, poker, canasta, pontoon, whist, euchre, – you name it, she could play it” it is an example that she loved every game but specifically those ones mentioned. The women normally went to Nanny Miro’s house and played card games with her so it would be smart to assume that they played cards with her so it would be smart to assume that they played Nanny Miro’s favourite games.
  5. What is the significance of the card games? Give a quote to support your answer. “Most times a lot of women would be there playing cards with nanny” is a quote that could mean that playing cards bring all of Nanny’s friends together. It was a way for Miro to have fun with something in common with her friends.
  6. What is the story really about? The story is about Nanny Miro and what she has done for everyone and the narrator. It was about the connections between the characters. The relationships between the kuia and the mokopuna.
  7. What is one THEME of this story? Give a quote to support your answer. “Then Mrs Heta took the cards from Nanny’s hands and kissed her. You the cheat, Miro, she whispered”. This indicates that not every goodbye has to be formal but a goodbye can be sent in their informal memories.
  8. Why do you think the author chose to describe his Nana in terms of card games? It reminds of when he was young and he was facing fun with all the kuia playing cards.
  9. What is an important character and why do you think he/she is important? Give quotes to support your answer. Apart from the two main characters Mrs Heta is one of the important characters. She was Nanny Miro’s rival in card games and always computed against her. An example of this was in the story “Mrs Heta would always be there, and when it came to cards, she was both Nanny’s best friend and worst enemy”. This would mean that Mrs Heta was always there to play cards with the other women.
  10. What is an important idea and why do you think it is important? Give quotes to support your answer. I think an important idea is a connection between the person and their Aunty Miro. We could tell this earlier in the story because of this quote “Nanny Miro… among all my nannies, she was the one I loved the most”.

And yeah that is what my thoughts are on about the story we were reading. I hope you enjoyed reading this one bye.

My Active Lifestyle

Hello and welcome to this blog post. This will be a blog post that I will be updating throughout the year on certain activities we will be doing in Physical Education. In this blog post for each activity, I will talk about what level of participation I was at and reasons why and what other factors influenced my participation. This is an achievement standard worth 5 credits and it is 1.1 My Active Lifestyle. Please give me feedback on what else I could add, I would greatly appreciate it!

13 March 2023

Resource B: Suggested model for portfolio

Date: 13 March 2023 Activity: Athletics

My level of effort and engagement today (circle one grade below)

Not Achieved Achieved Merit Excellence
Why have you placed yourself at this level? Give supporting evidence. (Refer to the criteria from Resource A.)

Achieved Levels

I was organised and prepared for activities by always bringing my PE gear. I was setting up the equipment I needed for the activity such as bringing the blocks for sprints or setting up the high jump equipment in the gym.


I demonstrated the skills related to the activity by learning and practising them in 100m sprints and high jump. A skill I had learnt from sprints was to practice lifting my hip flexors high so I could glide faster.

I was always on task and ready to learn, whenever there were people I was talking to I would be doing the task while talking to them and not letting a conversation get in the way of my improvement. I went through a few YouTube videos to learn specific techniques and proceeded to do the task at hand.

I was trying so hard to improve my level of performance by writing the session logs which described how I did in a certain session. From that knowledge, I was evaluating what I needed to do to improve my level of performance. I was looking at what I did wrong for that session and how I could improve on it.

I was always ready to engage in the practical environment after knowing what I needed to do to perform well in athletic events after learning from YouTube videos or my teacher. I was giving the sprinting and high jump the best as I could.

My session logs have proven that I know how to reflect on the skills I have learnt and how to improve them. For the Fosbury Flop, there were many aspects I needed to learn such as my movement, stepping, run-up and jump. Each time I learnt or practice one of those aspects I reflected on what I did and what I needed to do next.

I was practising over and over again until I got the techniques correctly, especially for my high jump, I needed to work out how I could run and step to get the best outcome. From when I started the session versus after I practised the session I came out a different person.

Merit Levels

I was motivated to improve and always looking for new opportunities that could help me improve in athletic events. I was searching the internet for hours on different techniques that could help me improve in sprints and the high jump. Especially the videos on athletes’ performance motivated me to get better and become like them.

There were times when I needed to think outside the box. Whenever the other people I was sharing the high jump with raised it too high for me to jump I took initiative and saw there was another mat so I began jumping on that mat because it was about the movement of the flop that session rather than trying to jump higher.

I tried my best to work hard to achieve what I needed to learn from that activity. An example of this is my sprints when I was exercising my hip flexors. Even when my legs were hurting I kept pushing on for the whole session because I knew there would always be an outcome for my actions.

I have overall enjoyed this whole athletic events training because I love learning new things and trying to improve from them. When I jumped the high jump bar doing an almost correct Fosbury Flop I was filled with excitement and ran across the gym with a big smile on my face!

I have always sought ways to improve. I’ve already listed numerous ways above such as watching YouTube videos or asking my teacher. I have also taken the chance to ask some of my friends for advice on sprinting.

And there is the only thing that matters out of all of this I have done my best. Looking at how I did I didn’t expect myself to exceed this far in learning and developing new skills. Doing my best means I did my best to achieve the highest possible theory and practical work in my capabilities.

Excellence Levels

I was always fully engaging myself in the learning environment. Everything I did that didn’t involve the correct technique was with a purpose for example doing the scissor kick was for me to compare myself with the Fosbury Flop.

Highlight any factors that influenced your participation today and add any others that were important to you for this activity.



Sense of achievement

Pushes body to physical or mental limit

Can go at own pace

Social factors (able to do with friends; choose own group)

Aesthetic appeal

Environmental appreciation



Equipment needed



Fitness Level


Explain how and why these factors influenced your participation.

Since the start of this year, I’ve been staying up past 12 am doing school work more than I’ve ever stayed passed 12 am in my life. This term has really been a term to help me find balance in sleep and school work. Because of this, I may be tired and out of energy when I turn up for PE. I have never let this stop me from performing the best that I can.

The challenge was insane! I’m going to combine this with another factor which is my fitness level. My fitness level is average for a general person so trying to put myself into positions that athletes would be it is harder than it would be for someone who plays sports and trains themselves every day.

I have obviously enjoyed this grind because I like seeing myself improve as a person. I enjoy it because I always feel a huge sense of achievement after each session. When I jump over the high jump bar doing the correct technique I feel astonished and proud of myself.

I’m strategically pushing my body to the limits. I’m trying to push as much as I can but still have the energy to continue pushing for the whole session. An example of this is in sprints. Whenever I feel tired I stand still and practice my techniques rather than running the whole session and getting tired. And I get cold really easily so I start getting cold but I still keep moving on, as well as being tired from lack of sleep.

Considering all of these, I can think about how to do things properly and go at my own pace to get the best outcome possible. I am making sure I’m not setting too many goals that are unreachable in one session but setting enough goals that can be achievable and improved on to an extent.

I feel much more relaxed when I practice with friends and annoyed at the same time. Obviously, I want the best in their practice but most of the time people raise the high jump bar to the maximum level possible and focus on going over the bar rather than practising. This causes me to have to find an alternative way to practice my techniques.

Using the mats in the gym I was able to find an accessible way to practice the high jump without fear of knocking the bar. This was a great way to practice your stepping, run-up, jump and form when you do the high jump.

Equipment set up for the high jump was scarce. We only set up one high jump set so all the people doing the high jump had to share the high jump set. I wasn’t sure if we were allowed to set up a second one or not. I should have asked the teacher but I felt like I was asking too many questions at that point in time and I didn’t want to annoy the teacher too much.

I was always determined to achieve my goals. I wanted the outcome so badly. I wanted to be like those athletes and that is what pushed me to strive further.

Bearing in mind the criteria in Resource A, how could you improve your participation?

Motivate other people, I know from the knowledge I have gained I should share people my knowledge. I have suggested a few things towards people but I didn’t really push the idea in front of their faces because I didn’t know what part they were training for in their athletic events. I need to make sure I’m developing as much success for myself as well as other people. I also need to get out of my comfort zone I am still trying to escape the turtle shell for fear of getting hurt or getting mud on myself.

I have decided to grade this as a Merit because of how active I was in the athletic activities and how keen I was to learn and improve.

Resource B: Suggested model for portfolio

Date: 24 March 2023 Activity: Korfball

My level of effort and engagement today (circle one grade below)

Not Achieved Achieved Merit Excellence
Why have you placed yourself at this level? Give supporting evidence. (Refer to the criteria from Resource A.)

Achieved Levels

I arrived at PE on time and with a change of gear for every session during the Korfball segment.

I was catching the ball and passing it to people and running around to stand in a good spot to receive the ball. I made some effort to call out people’s names but it wasn’t consistent.

I was moving around a lot and not staying in one area and making sure that I could receive the ball at a spot where no one was standing at.

I was listening to the teacher’s feedback for the whole class and tried my best to do what the teacher said. An example of this would be moving around and not cramming in one spot with the rest of the class.

I was making sure I was covering spots for my team that no one else had covered. I wasn’t yelling for the ball, but I was there when my team needed me to be there to catch the ball.

Shooting hoops were a hard thing to do so when the teacher gave us time to practice shooting, I was making sure I got to practice shooting and trying different amount of force to push the ball in the air.

Merit Levels

I showed interest and enjoyment in Korfball because I was intrigued by how the rules and the game worked. This was a learning process that I enjoyed.

I tried my best to contribute overall to the team by being there when there at times when no one else was there and improving myself by listening to the teacher’s advice on how to position myself better.

Highlight any factors that influenced your participation today and add any others that were important to you for this activity.



Sense of achievement

Pushes body to physical or mental limit

Can go at own pace

Social factors (able to do with friends; choose own group)

Aesthetic appeal

Environmental appreciation



Equipment needed



Peer Pressures


Explain how and why these factors influenced your participation.

What I found challenging about Korfball were the rules. I was always confused about when you were allowed to shoot or when you weren’t. I always saw people shoot when the defender’s hands were up. So whenever someone told me to shoot and I saw a defender in front of me I always passed the ball not knowing if I was allowed to shoot or not.

The exercises were really fun to do. Getting put under pressure with punishment to compete with other mini-teams made you want to win more and it made it feel like a competition rather than a PE session. I enjoyed the exercises more because it was helping me learn the foundations of the game.

Whoever you were in a team with would increase your chances of getting the ball passed to you to be more involved in the sport. Social status affects how likely someone will trust you to receive the ball. I have made sure I don’t have enemies in the class and tried to get on the good side of everyone.

This goes with another factor called peer pressure. My consciousness wanted to participate more but I don’t want to upset other people by missing the catch for the ball and getting blamed and losing social status which would cause people to trust me less with the ball and not pass it to me.

Directly communicating with a specific person that I don’t know really well is a scary thing to me. I have trouble shouting the names of people because I am embarrassed by getting their names wrong even though I know their names. I need to be able to communicate to be able to pass and receive the ball to help my team win.

Bearing in mind the criteria in Resource A, how could you improve your participation?

To enhance my own performance I have to communicate better. I have to be able to yell my classmate’s name with confidence. This will enable me to receive the ball and pass the ball to people more often, overall improving my performance and participation in sports. 

I have decided to grade this as an achieved because this is me performing at my own level rather than trying to push further.


Please give me feedback on my grading and what I should change about it and how I could improve in my activities.

Figurative Language

Today in English we have been learning about figurative language. Some of the things we have been learning are similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia and hyperbole.

A simile is comparing something, usually with “like” or “as”. Example: My bedroom was as black as a cave in the depths of the Earth. The person is describing their bedroom as a black cave. It is really not a black cave and it is just a way to compare something not literally.

A metaphor is like a simile but it just straight up compares something. Example: He was a lion in battle. This just straightforwardly compares something to another thing. When they say he was a lion in battle it means that he was a fierce warrior in battle. Obviously, a lion in battle would be different.

Alliteration is multiple words sounding similar. Example: The sun sizzled the swimmer’s skin. As you can see “sun”, “sizzled”, “swimmer’s” and “skin” all sound the same or similar.

Personification is giving life to a non-living object. Mainly comparing things to a human. Example: The wind whispered through the gloomy forest. Whispering is a trait that the wind doesn’t have and when you add personification the wind becomes almost like a human.

Onomatopoeia is words that sound exactly like what it seems. The word is self-explanatory. Example: Smash. When you drop a plate the word for the breaking sound is a smash. The word is really self-explanatory and that is what makes it an onomatopoeia.

Hyperbole exaggerates a word. Example: My head is killing me. Your head really isn’t trying to kill you, it just means your head hurts really bad. Using hyperbole you can exaggerate a word to make it more serious.

In the second half of the lesson, we learnt about nouns, verbs and adjectives.

A noun is used to identify a class of people, places or things. There are different types of nouns.

Verbs are action words like running, walking or breathing. All of these are actions that people do.

Adjectives are describing words. They can be as simple as a colour or a compliment. Anything that generally gives someone an idea of what something looks like or is like.

We then had to go on this random story generator. It was really kind of hard to use because my memory on all of this stuff hasn’t been that good. I used a random generator provided by the website to generate a story. This reminded me of back in primary school when the whole class was laughing at these stories.

I chose Romeo And Juliet: Prologue AD-LIB. If I’m being honest I have no idea what half the words mean in the story nor think any of this makes any sense. I don’t think the stories on this website are very good.

But yeah I don’t think that was really funny but thanks for viewing this blog post. Thanks for reading, see you at the next one.

Read & Reflect (Week 5)

Today in English we are reading another piece of good news from The Happy Broadcast. The simplified title of the article I read was called Trial of 4 Day Working Week Shows Success!

My news was about how there was a trial in the UK that ran for 6 months that reduced working hours by 20 per cent to a 4-day work day. Non of the wages were reduced. According to the study the participants that participated in it experienced less stress and illness. The amount of sick days dropped by two thirds and anxiety, difficulty sleeping and burnout were less frequent. There were 57 percent less staff leaving.

One thing that I was curious about was how this would affect the economy. Now I don’t know much about the economy but wouldn’t less people working mean less money coming into the government? Because at the end of the day money is all people in power care about.

If this were to come into effect permanently more people will be healthier and the whole workspace will become a safer environment. If this were to happen would schools be doing the same thing?

That’s just some of my thoughts, bye.

Read & Reflect (Week 4)

Today in English we are reading good news from The Happy Broadcast. The very long title of the news I read was called “Doctors In Boston Can Prescribe Patients That Can Get Them Free Fruits And Vegetables. The Card Helps People Who Can’t Afford Healthy Food And Have Illnesses Tied To An Unhealthy Diet”. This was also meant to be our last week’s work but we ran out of time, which is why the blog post has (Week 4) in it.

My news was about how people in Boston, Massachusetts, United States were getting prescribed a visa debit card called fresh connect that allows them to spend a maximum of $100 on fruits and vegetables per month. The card identifies which items are produced and pays for them. While the rest of the items are paid for by yourself. Doctors prescribe this to you when you have an illness that can be solved by eating healthy. This could go to people that are eating unhealthy diets and need the nutrition. This could save billions of dollars on money.

I found this interesting because usually fruits and vegetables are expensive and whoever provides it to give it to them for free is truly kind.

This will a lot of people with unhealthy diets eat healthy because they won’t have to worry much about the cost of produce.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post as much as I did making this. Thank You BYE!!!

What I Have Learnt About Form Filling

On Tuesday in English, we were filling out forms for 2 credits towards our NCEA Level 1. We were filling out different types of forms. We have been practising different forms over the last few weeks. On our Monday assessment, we had to fill out three forms which were a birth certificate form, a job application form and a driver’s license renewal form.

If I’m being honest, going into the assessment I was nervous about how many we had to get right to get the credits. I filled out most of what the form had and after that, I felt confident because the teacher didn’t tell me to go back and fix it.

As I’ve stated in the previous blog post I learnt that Block Capitals meant writing everything in CAPITAL LETTERS. I always thought printing your name meant printing out a piece of paper with your name on it and sticking it on the paper as I’ve seen everyone do that but it literally just means writing your name clearly. Legible is another name for writing your name clearly. Sometimes the form tells you to write in black and blue pen because they put it into a machine that checks it and can only read black and blue pen. N/A is something I need to start using in forms as I usually leave things blank when something does not apply to me.

Those are some of the things I learnt in English over the last few weeks, I hope you learnt something new, bye!